Purification of Religion
Religion can at times become a formality. Prophets like Amos have always condemned formalism in worship (Cf. Am 5:21-27) At one time Jesus by quoting Isaiah told Jewish Religious leaders that: ‘this People honours me only with lip-service, while their hearts are far from me. Their reverence of me is worthless; the lessons they teach are nothing but human commandments’ (Mt 15: 8-9). Once religion becomes ‘a partial fulfilment’ as it were, it has lost its essence. ‘I go to church to spend some time with friends and associates. I go to church because I have been made to’. At times religion can be confused with civil society, politics as if it is there to advance political or social agenda. At other times religion can confused with economic interests. Nowadays the ‘get rich’ Gospel message is preached more often than the ‘Cross’, all in the name of ‘blessings’. However, Christianity hinges on the Gospel of the Cross as St. Paul tells us ‘we preach a crucified Christ: to the Jews an obstacle they cannot get over, to the gentiles foolishness’ (I Cor. 1:23). Consequently, true worship consists in worshipping God the Father in spirit and truth. The new temple is not our churches or chapels made of stone or mud-bricks. Our new temple is our hearts. Religion becomes real when Christ touches our hearts, when he purifies our vision of God is, when he purifies our method we use in praising God. This is the message of salvation - the Good News.
Religion, once purified from exterior motives and intentions becomes real and not formal. There true religion is about being witnesses to the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus told his disciples to be a light of the world and a salt to the earth.
Points for reflections
· True religion consists in worshipping God in spirit and truth
· True religion consists in being just to others
· We are called to purify our hearts
· Readings
§ John 15: 16 Commissioned to bear fruits that will last
§ John 4 : 21-24 True worship is what the Father wants
§ Amos 5:21-27 Festivals mean nothing minus true justice
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