Glorification after the Cross

    When one wants to discover God’s will in his/her life, one has to take a risk. Every growth entails taking a risk – the way of the cross.
    Abraham, our great father in faith took a very great risk by entrusting his entire life in God. He was told; “Leave your country, your kindred and your father’s house for a country which I shall show you; and I shall make you a great nation, I shall bless you and make your name famous” Gen 12:1-2. For Abraham to leave everything behind in Canaan was truly a risk. Above all he took a great risk to try and offer his only true heir to his generation. But God in his magnificence provided what to offer and in return blessed him. Today Abraham is considered the father of the three faiths Judaism, Christianity and Islam and even other descendants alike (Gen 25: 1-6). He is our Father in faith.
Glorification only comes after suffering. Jesus showed his disciples a glimpse of the resurrection and glorification at the transfiguration.  He was reminding his disciples that there is true life after suffering. What one has to do is to take a risk. ‘We are to undergo suffering before we find ultimate fulfilment in life.’ We may not be going through the same kind of suffering but we all in one way or another do suffer. ‘We carry different crosses.’ However these crosses are worth taking in as far as they lead us to eternity.
    For Jesus Christ, his suffering is vicarious. Vicarious suffering is redemptive. ‘By his sufferings shall my servant justify many’ (Isaiah 53:11). It is a good risk.
    We become beautiful after we have been despised. We become important after we have struggled in life. God gives us eternal joy and happiness after we have sacrificed our lives carrying our own cross with hope. ‘Hope will never deceive us,’ so we are told.


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