The Seed has to die now
The time for Jesus Christ to be crucified is slowly approaching. Jesus knows that the end of his life here on earth is near. The Jewish leaders had already planned to do away with him; ‘it is better for one man to die for the people than for the entire nation to be perished and they were looking for an opportunity to arrest him’ (Jn 11:50, 53). Like any other human person, there has been a growing tension and anxiety in Jesus’ life. The prophecy of Caiaphas the High Priest gives the right meaning of Jesus’ death (Cf. Jn 11:49-50) . Jesus Christ will die for the sake of the entire human salvation. The death of Jesus becomes the way through which people will be saved. This is prophecy as it was foretold a long time ago (Read Isaiah 54:13 – 53: 12). The time for Jesus to be crucified has come for him to bring about the birth of a new world. One only reaches the utmost fulfilment of ones’ life when one gives oneself up to death for love of ones...