Evidence enough to believe
Coming from the catholic biblical school of thought, I have always believed and accepted that ‘Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, though two different channels of revelation, are bound closely together, and communicate with one another. Together they transmit the fullness of revelation, and make up one single deposit of the Word of God.’ By sacred tradition I mean creedal formulae, liturgies and dogmas be it oral or doctrinal that have always been transmitted through the teaching authority of the apostles and through their successors who in this regard are the bishops, and especially the bishop of Rome. However we face challenges from our non catholic or evangelical tradition which argues that whenever what is doctrinal or liturgical or even moral belief cannot be substantiated biblically simply imply that it cannot be part of the deposit of faith. ‘if it is not biblical or if I cannot find it in the scripture, I exclude from my belief. Secondly, we have other school...